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Shadow Riders Paranormal Investigations
The first picture taken at the Rittman cemetery
Another pic taken by Tammy Mamone it appears to look like a woman
Taken at an abandoned cemetery in Rittman Ohio. The figure looks like a woman praying over a grave
A mist coming in or going out of the coffin showroom in the basement at the House of Wills
Taken right after the pic below but at a different angle. A series of four
This pic was taken on a clear night with no mist in a local park. Looks like a skeleton laying on its side. 2nd pic
The chapel at the house of wills which is an abandoned funeral home
Last pic of the series
A test pic with a new camera at a new investigation site
Taken right before the pic below
This one is really cool due to the appearence of what looks like legs.
Taken by Tammy Mamone an orb in motion
No one was smoking when this one was taken on a hot, clear night
Taken at tinkers creek
Taken at tinkers creek cemetery note the mist beginning to form or leave